Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Music has changed so much from the way it was  back then. Music first started with the radio, then record players started coming out.. Record players were popular for a while. Music had influenced media by the gramophone, record players, radio, tv, movies, and internet.

*Interesting fact: "Video Killed the Radio Start" was the first music video to air on new cable.

We've gone from record players to this. Our music players are electronic, portable, rechargeable, are able to fit in our pockets, we can plug headphones into them, and they are capable of so much more. Back then music players only played music. Today, our ipods play our music, they play movies, they have access to the internet, you're able to play games on them, they have cameras installed in them so you can take pictures & record videos. It's pretty fascinating how much technology has changed everything.


  1. EL...I like how you did this Good job

  2. yes i totally agree with about how music changed over the was a lot better to me back then, then now.

  3. PH ~ Technology is just going to keep growing and growing. Things are going to get invented that are even better than what we have today. Just think, voice activated music players that are holograms.

  4. AK9
    Technology hss impacted the way music has changed alot and brought the way we listen today.

  5. SCL:

    It is just so crazy how technology has advanced!! You post is great, it's unbelievable how quickly new technology comes along.

  6. Tm, i wounder what will come next. ME TOO. the songs back in the day came from the heart and you can see and feel it. today it's all about how makes the most money. and i think now the so called singers are replacing real actors.

  7. LL: Music changes so quick. The way they come up with new stuff everyday is crazy.

  8. (ru) music haas changed so much through time, people also had a better appreciation of music back then.
