Thursday, May 24, 2012


Romance (:

Personally, my favorite romantic movie would have to be between three good movies... The Titanic, A Walk to Remember & The Notebook. But that's not what this post was supposed to be about.. soo. My favorite romantic movie that we watched in class was Cinderella. Hands down that's my favorite movie from my childhood. Although in reality, love stories don't usually happen like that, fairytales just seem so happy. I think fairytales should automatically be part of kids' childhoods  because kids should just grow up knowing those things. Kids lately aren't learning about it, and if they do, it's from them watching the movie. When I was a kid, my dad read me a disney book every night before bed. This generation is overrated. Its sad.
Growing up my mom always told me to be good or the boogeyman would come get me. My parents scared me with alot of things, just to get me to do things. They put stuff into my head & made me believe things that weren't even real. This is exacty what producers of scary movies try to do. In horror movies, they add scary music or sound effects that were made to scare you. Like there are certain sound effects that you can just hear, and you know something bad is gonna happen next. For example, the sound of creeking wood flooring, usually means something bad is gonna happen. Or the person or monster is behind them.

Another way that producers do to try to scare their audience is by saying that the movie is true or based on true events. One idea may be from a true story, but they stretch the truth to make it scarier or even add their own twist to it. The camera work also plays a main part in getting the audience to believe what they're watching is true. Like the picture to the right, this movie was filmed "personally" or the camera was a hand held camera, to make the affect seem scarier.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Advertisements was one of the most interesting things we learned about. It's interesting because the world kinda runs on advertisements. Companies used their advertising to get people to buy their product. That's just how our economy works. Companies even use false advertising to get people to buy their things. They say it'll help or improve on a certain thing that a person might be insecure about, that's what gets people to buy their product. The product might not even work all the time, but some people believe it will.  
For example, the picture on the left shows a woman holding a cup of coca-cola, as if she was drinking it. It is clear that the woman is wealthy & dressed nicely. This advertisement would probably get people to want to buy coca-cola because they think that it'll make them wealthy, rich & attractive like this woman. Or it could possibly mean that only rich people drink coca-cola. People have different perspectives.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Music has changed so much from the way it was  back then. Music first started with the radio, then record players started coming out.. Record players were popular for a while. Music had influenced media by the gramophone, record players, radio, tv, movies, and internet.

*Interesting fact: "Video Killed the Radio Start" was the first music video to air on new cable.

We've gone from record players to this. Our music players are electronic, portable, rechargeable, are able to fit in our pockets, we can plug headphones into them, and they are capable of so much more. Back then music players only played music. Today, our ipods play our music, they play movies, they have access to the internet, you're able to play games on them, they have cameras installed in them so you can take pictures & record videos. It's pretty fascinating how much technology has changed everything.

Monday, May 14, 2012

In the History of Media unit, I learned that Guglielmo Marconi was an Italian inventor who proved radio communication. He also sent and received the first radio signal in Italy in 1895. By 1899, he flashed the first wireless signal across the English channel.

Radios emerged as a machine service durning WWI. Soldiers use radios to communicate with each other & it also helps them target their enemy. Radios are a very useful tool for everyone.

Radios come in handy when you're not at home & you're driving. You can hear news broadcasts through the radio if you're not able to hear it from a television.