Thursday, May 17, 2012


Advertisements was one of the most interesting things we learned about. It's interesting because the world kinda runs on advertisements. Companies used their advertising to get people to buy their product. That's just how our economy works. Companies even use false advertising to get people to buy their things. They say it'll help or improve on a certain thing that a person might be insecure about, that's what gets people to buy their product. The product might not even work all the time, but some people believe it will.  
For example, the picture on the left shows a woman holding a cup of coca-cola, as if she was drinking it. It is clear that the woman is wealthy & dressed nicely. This advertisement would probably get people to want to buy coca-cola because they think that it'll make them wealthy, rich & attractive like this woman. Or it could possibly mean that only rich people drink coca-cola. People have different perspectives.


  1. LL: People can be so dumb, I hate it. People lose money, and advertising win money.. $$$$ the more real it looks, the more people want to buy it just because they swear they are going to look like them tomorrow.. good job!

  2. EL... Coca- cola has the best advertisements to me because their ads actually tell the truth.

  3. If it wasn't for advertisements we would not know about a lot of things

  4. LL: I'm not sure if I already posted on yours but.. yeah buying stuff that not many people have like back then made people look at you different.. Now it kinda is like that in some way.

  5. JN
    i agree with everything ur saying the world is basically advertisment and i dnt really think it will help us out i the long run because its to much lies and competition

  6. AK9
    Advertising plays a big role in the economy especially if its a large city

  7. SCL:

    I really like how you talked about the picture that you included, how it relates to your ideas. Your blog is certainly the best in your class.

  8. PH ~ Usually the people that the product worked for will become a spokesperson for the product or talk on a commercial saying that the product worked well for them. This tends to get a lot of people to buy the product.

  9. Yes you are right the world runs on advertisements and you are right the company's are great at making us believe it.

  10. Businesses spend so much money advancement because of that reason.
